An unconventional blueprint to letting go and transforming your life...
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Is Your Soul In Need of Healing? Start Here!
Have you experienced betrayal, grief, or divorce, been abused, abandoned or sexually assaulted? Do you feel rage, self-hatred, shame, vulnerable, like a mistake or misunderstood? Have you ever wanted to die or fought for survival? Is your wounded heart and soul heavy from the weight of suffering and in dire need of love and nurturing?
If so, join Wendy Lee Baldwin as she bares her soul, exposing the raw pain of life’s most critical events: death, divorce, and adoption, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. As you will see, when you open up and let go of your trauma, you can heal from depression, anxiety, and self-abuse. You can start loving yourself and realizing that you matter. You will automatically become more of your authentic, loving and beautiful self.
If you are truly ready to clear the chaos of your private pain, are seeking hope and a path to starting a better life, then look no further. This book is your solution to a better life, free of pain, sorrow and heartache. Full of hope and inspiration to give you the well-deserved bliss that your soul desires!
Bonus work book tools included:
The Secret Formula to Your Best Life Ever!... Forgiveness + Gratitude + Love = FREEDOM!
Use the self-guided programs for each section of the Secret Formula to help you take the next steps towards your transformation and healing.
"Sometimes the human experience is one riddled with pain and confusion, but sometimes it is those very things that cause the greatest shake-up and shake out of what's not working in our lives. These times clear up space for the good stuff to come in. They are the catalyst to our transformation. In this book, Wendy shares her experiential journey as an example of how to evolve into a place of truth, inner peace, and to step into the power of your own becoming. It's a must read to help you align with your joy!"
- Nicole Gabriel, Author, "Finding Your Inner Truth" and "Stepping Into Your Becoming".
“This book holds up to its truths because it's personable and you can relate to a lot of issues described because it is a human experience. I found it very relatable and open to a lot of emotional and traumatic events that have happened to me. A must read!”
Mwati Mwila –Poet-Author of "The Sweet Surrender of Love and Nature.
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"A story courageously written…a life courageously lived…an outcome with many inherent lessons of transformation and healing. Wendy Lee Baldwin’s journey is a powerful one, and a lesson to those of us seeking transformation within forgiveness."
- Alan Roth - Musician/Author of Fields Beyond the Known.
“This is a compelling and inspiring story of one woman’s triumph over illness, feeling like God’s biggest mistake and combating an onslaught of adversity. The well written retelling of her often traumatic life, starting from the womb to present time, takes you through what can be a confusing journey towards healing. The internal battles she faced are what many of us go through but are not able to put into words or feelings. You walk away with hope, motivation and options for healing that your heart and soul are crying out for. Healing Your Soul In A Chaotic World: Defying the Odds of Sanity and Survival is a book that will change many lives. “
Melissa P. Andersson - Positive Breakthrough Specialist, Founder of
“I know, first-hand, from early childhood, the feeling of numbness, not being good enough and worthless. When the pain is great enough it’s time for change. The methods Wendy Lee Baldwin uses to heal her life will also work for you, to enable you to get your life back. The secrets to healing and transforming your life are forgiveness – of self and others, gratitude and love. The powerful tools at the end will help you get yourself started NOW to become empowered.”
- Stephania Gibb,
Author “Don’t Throw Your First Born (or Yourself ) Off The Balcony” Seven Easy Steps for First Time Parents.
“The secrets to healing and transforming your life are forgiveness, gratitude and love. This book delivers this with a punch. You won’t want to put it down till the end.”
-- Patrick Snow,
Publishing Coaching and International Best Seller Author of Creating Your Own Destiny.